Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What is the strongest Rock in the world?

Its been a few days since my last post. Im sorry for not updating this blog sooner but we've had alot going on these past few days.

First of all i still had my mom here with us. Unfortunatly for me, i had to take her to the airport on Monday morning. Theres really no words that could express how much i appreciated her being her by our side. Not only for Kenz, but for Mit and myself. There were lots of tears when she left. And now MY crutch is back on the otherside of the States. Mom thank you for everything you did while here, and also over the phone from Carolina. You helped us keep our sanity and gave someone besides us for kenzie to get aggrevated with lol. I love you.

Sorry. Had to get that out of the way first. So as im walking around this huge campus of UC Davis, i was playing with my iphone. I like to ask Siri (iphones lil helper for all you droid people) weird questions to see what kind of answer she will give. But one popped in my head that i had to ask. "What is the strongest Rock in the world". Her answer.... Diamond.
I sat there for a minute and thought real hard. It made sense. I know ive heard it before in the past. But i did some research to see if what Siri had told me was in fact the truth. What just about every website said was that Diamond was the strongest rock/precious gem in the world because of how its atoms are arranged and so densely packed, but... It could be easily broken acrossed certain crystal planes.
So Siri did in fact lie to me. I may just have to write Apple an email and tell them to fix this Siri glitch. The reason i know this is because i know my daughter...my 3 yr old champion...is the strongest rock in the universe. Her atoms are arranged so densely that its able to form her shape. And she is by far the most precious gem this world has ever seen. And to add the exclamation point, she has no crystal planes where she could be easily broken. There is no substance this earth can throw at her to make her break. So, now known for a fact, McKenzie Eckman is the strongest Rock in the world.

Heres the much anticipated lab results from yesterday:
Red Blood Cells: 10.4 (up from 5.1)
Platlets: 68 (up from 8)
And the most important....
Leukemia Cells: 6% (down from 22%)

Not only is her body getting rid of the Leukemia amazingly fast, but shes also producing and keeping her Red Blood cells and Platlets.

I didnt post this info yesterday because i was afraid to jinx it. But 2 straight days of the same results has me feeling pretty damn good. This doesnt mean were in the clear by any means. We still have to send this into remission within 21 days. But atleast we know her getting sick after Chemo isnt just for nothing.

Im going to also attach a few photos to this post. We had a few unexpected things happen today that i would like to share with the rest of the class. First thing is that she is hose and buggy (get it?) free! They discontinued her IV that they had running into her Port/Post. No more fluid running to her 24 hours a day. No more dragging that damn rolling bag hanger/computer station/vitals sensor/pain in the butt thing around behind her. Shes finally able to roam free without looking like the bionic woman.

And with that....she was able to go outside for the first time in 12 days! She had to wear a mask, and we had to obviously keep a even closer eye than normal on her since shes super suseptable to infections and viruses. But she actually got to feel like a kid again. She got to breathe fresh air and rub her toes in the grass. It made all of us so happy.

Again this is all far from over and by no means are we even close to being in the clear....but today was a giant leap in the right direction.

On another note: we've had some more amazing nurses. I cant remember if i wrote about her already but our punk rock Nurse Danielle and our night Nurse Angela were great to have around. Also Nurses Jana and Carrie have been so helpful throughout all of this. Danielle you need to come back to work. I think Kenzie is missing you the most because shes used to her mom having that punk rock style, face piercings, and wacky hair styles.
I requested Nurse Angela twice now because shes amazingly sweet and caring. I dont think she liked me at first, but hey, i tend to grow on ya. And she was always checking up on Kenz and has come over to say hi to her on times where she wasnt our Nurse.

Lastly i have to give another kudos to Nurse Laurie and our Primary Nurse Kim.
They honestly feel like a part of the family now. I know they are not supposed to get attached to patients but i think we've become more attached to them than anything. If i could give each of them an award, id give Laurie the "Above and Beyond" award. I had a situation going on outside of all the Leukemia stuff with Kenzie, and Laurie did everything she possibly could to help. Making phone calls, talking to doctors, and just doing things some peoples own family wouldnt do. And most important, McKenzie loves her. They do this cool thing with each other where they make a heart using there fingers whenever they see each other
The one id give to Kim is the "Honarary Eckman for Life" award. We genuinly care deeply for Kim. Shes amazing. Through all of this she has been nothing but fantastic. She was off for a few days and when she returned, she got stuck with the toughest task of having to change the tape and bandages around kenzies port. Think of having to rip a adult hand sized bandaid off a 3 yr olds chest. Kim did it while giving my little girl the slighest amount of pain possible. Theres no other person (besides maybe Laurie) i would have trusted to do that. And after it was done, Kim told kenzie she had another prize for her for being so tough. She came back in with the exact same Frog flashlight that Kenzie was admiring of Kims a few days before. Kenz actually stole it from Kim the first night we were here. And it wasnt like she just happened to have another one lying around. She went out of her way to go buy one for Kenz on her day off. Who does that?? We couldnt have done this without you ladies. I cant stress that enough. The only thing else i could ever ask of you two is to please keep in touch with us. You will forever hold a place in our hearts.

So thats all for tonight. Time for bed. We have the fun day of changing Kenzies needle that goes into her Port tomorrow, then Chemo again on Thursday or Friday. Theres a small chance we can finally go home Friday. So thats what were keeping our fingers crossed for. Until next time....love you all.


  1. I love reading your blog! Kenzie is such a fighter. And you are such a great dad! Hugs!

  2. I'm glad things are looking up. Stay strong. *hugs*

  3. Lots of hugs and prayers to you guys. I was sent here by my friend Kay Telschow DiBartolomeo. My daughter was diagnosed with ALL Leukemia in 2006. She completed treatment in 2009 and has been doing well ever since. I am almost crying reading through your posts, remembering how difficult those first few months were and how scared we were, and how foreign that whole chemo/medical world felt to us. I just wanted to let you know what I have a lot of resources for groups, help, information if you are interested. One group in particular, an online newsgroup at http://www.all-kids.org/ was the most incredible support that we could have ever received. It is a list of parents with kids with ALL. it was a bit overwhelming at first, but eventually they became a huge lifeline for me. I wanted to also share out Caringbridge site in case you wanted to read through some of our journal entries, sometimes it helped me to read about other kids who were going through or had gone through our chemo protcol, it helped me at least get some ideas about what to expect. Caringbridge.org/visit/chloemalena. If you would like to contact me for anything else, support, information anything you guys want to ask...my contact info is at the caringbridge page. Again...lots of hugs and prayers for you guys! It is a long road, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
